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작성자 사진연구소

김원석. 2019. “A Critical Look into the Discourse of Educational Neutrality.”

Kim, Wonseok. 2019. “A Critical Look into the Discourse of Educational Neutrality: The Crisis of Democratic Education in South Korea.” Asia Pacific Education Review 20(2): 305-314.

This paper presents an analysis of the ways in which the concept of educational neutrality is used in South Korea. It focuses in particular on the discursive use of educational neutrality. Drawing on selected editorials published by the Donga-Ilbo, I explore complex interlinkages between linguistic and socio-political elements that constitute the discourse of educational neutrality. The fndings are that the Korean use of educational neutrality is related not only to the war-political context in which critical engagement in social and political issues is treated as a subversive political act but also to the neoliberal restructuring of education. The paper concludes by outlining some implications for democratic education.

(DOI) 10.1007/s12564-019-09602-3

조회수 6회댓글 0개

최근 게시물

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