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[안내]민주주의와 사회운동연구소 3월 포럼(07.03.31)


성공회대학교 민주주의와 사회운동연구소(소장 조희연) 입니다.

본 연구소에서는 '1997년 외환위기 이후 한국 사회의 신자유주의적 재구조화 과정 속에서 사회운동과 국가간의 상호작용'을 분석한 결과를 발표하는 포럼을 개최합니다.

관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.

<성공회대 민주주의와 사회운동연구소 3월 포럼>

- 주제 : The Perils of Capitalist Nostalgia: Neoliberalism and the South Korean Post-Developmental State

- 발표 : Jamie Doucette(Department of Geography, University of British Columbia)

- 일시 : 2007년 3월 31일 토요일, 오후 3시 30분부터

- 장소 : 성공회대학교 승연관 4층 세미나실(1408)

<발표 주요내용>

This paper and presentation stems from my doctoral research into neoliberal restructuring of the Korean developmental state since the 1997 crisis, an era which I argue has seen the emergence of a Korea post-developmental state, or a state with strong neoliberal inflections. I try to grasp this transition by looking at the changing field of state intervention, and the types of spaces that neoliberal reforms are targeted toward. Within this transition, I am particularly interested in the interaction between social movements and the state and have spent a lot of time studing how Korean labour and social movements, as well as some progressive intellectual and reformers have interacted with ruling parties and state ministries. The paper that I am going to present, however, is more of a general picture of neoliberal reform of the Korean developmental state, including some comments on how to approach the state from a geographical perspective that is more inclusive of a wide variety of social actors and spatial relationships than have been included in previous studies of the Korean developmental state, which tended to exclude the role of conflict and contestation in their accounts of Korean development. In my actual dissertation I hope to delve more closely into what this transition means for particuliar social movement strategies within progressive reform circles as well as within different segments of labour and social movements.

Here is the abstract for Saturday’s presentation:

The Perils of Capitalist Nostalgia: Neoliberalism and the South Korean Post-Developmental State

Jamie Doucette, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia; Institute for the Study of Social Movements and Democracy, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul


In recent years, the South Korean state has undergone rapid restructuring in regards to the role it plays in economic development, fundamentally changing its designation as a ‘developmental state’ in the conventional understanding of the term as it has been applied to the Korean case. What has replaced this configuration is a more uneven geographical ensemble of neoliberal and developmental strategies that we can call a post-developmental state in the sense that it only bears partial resemblance to the model it has replaced and because it’s overall trajectory is contingent on a number of important social struggles that are far from resolved. In this essay I explore both the grounds for this transition as well as the basis of a critique suitable for understanding the restructuring of developmental states. In particular, I argue that the restructuring of the South Korean state resonates strongly with the postdevelopmental strategies identified by Ong (2006), but involve a more complex dialectic between spatially selective forms of neoliberal strategies and forms restructuring aimed at the laws and institutions of the national state. To better grasp this dialectic of neoliberal reform, I argue that we must situate the restructuring of the South Korean state within a more geographically extended perspective than those used by earlier theorists of the developmental state, who tended to treat sovereignty, territory, and state power as a contiguous relationship and neglected the influence of a variety of popular struggles in shaping and contesting state practices.

Keywords: Postdevelopmental state, territory, sovereignty, social movements and the state, neoliberalism, developmental states


서울시 구로구 항동 1-1 성공회대학교 사회문화연구원

조회수 0회댓글 0개


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