Conference on Inter-Asian Connections III: Hong Kong (June 6-8, 2012)
DEADLINE: Friday, June 24, 2011
Co-organized and co-sponsored by The Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and the Social Sciences (HKIHSS) at the University of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC).
The Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKIHSS) at the University of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) (the Organizers) are pleased to announce an open call for individual research paper submissions from researchers in any world region, to participate in a 3-day thematic workshop at an international conference, “Inter-Asian Connections III: Hong Kong.”
To be held in Hong Kong, June 6-8, 2012, the conference will host six concurrent workshops, led by two or three directors and showcasing innovative research from across the social sciences and related disciplines. Workshops will focus on themes of particular relevance to Asia, reconceptualized as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from the Middle East through Eurasia and South Asia, to East Asia. Four workshops were chosen competitively from among 41 applications while two were organized by the host institution. We are now accepting applications for all six workshops.
The conference structure and schedule have been designed to enable intensive ‘working group’ interactions on a specific research theme, as well as broader interactions on topics of mutual interest and concern. Accordingly, there will be a public keynote and plenary sessions in addition to closed workshop sessions. The concluding day of the conference will bring all the conference participants together for the public presentation and exchange of research agendas that have emerged over the course of the conference deliberations.
Individual paper submissions are invited from junior and senior scholars, whether graduate students or faculty, or researchers in NGOs or other research organizations, for the following six workshops. For the full Calls for Papers and detailed descriptions of the individual workshops, follow the links below.
Asian Crossings, 1789-1914
Workshop Directors – Ross Forman (National University of Singapore) and Julia Kuehn (The University of Hong Kong)
Just Society at Last? Ideals and Projects of the Common Good across Asia
Workshop Directors – Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied (National University of Singapore) and Morgan Y. Liu (The Ohio State University)
Networks of Religious Learning and the Dissemination of Religious Knowledge across Asia
Workshop Directors – Christophe Jaffrelot (Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Sciences Po) and Mirjam Kunkler (Princeton University)
Shifting Geopolitical Ecologies and New Spatial Imaginaries
Workshop Directors – Cağlar Keyder (Boğazici University) and Ravi Arvind Palat (State University of New York at Binghamton)
Organized by host institution –
Anatomies of Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and Health in Asia
Workshop Directors – Angela Ki Che Leung (Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong) and Izumi Nakayama (The University of Hong Kong)
Sustainability and Citizenship in Asian Cities
Workshop Directors – Anne M. Rademacher (New York University), K. Sivaramakrishnan (Yale University) and Billy Kee-long So (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Please read the list of workshops and individual workshop CFPs carefully before selecting a workshop for participation. You can only apply to ONE workshop. Multiple submissions will be disqualified from the selection process.
While we are able to accept co-authored paper proposals, it will be possible for only one author per accepted submission to participate in the conference due to financial and logistical constraints.
A working language of English is required, and the papers and presentations will be in English. No translation/interpretation services will be available at the conference.
All papers will be circulated electronically in advance, and will be made available to all conference participants on a password-protected webpage.
The conference dates are June 6-8, 2012. Final details, including the conference agenda, will be available at least one month in advance.
The Organizers will make every effort to ensure some level of funding for participants toward the costs associated with attending the Inter-Asian Connections III conference. However, at this point we plan to offer the following financial assistance – a) single room accommodations including breakfast, b) local transport to/from the conference site daily, c) lunch on-site, and d) dinner on two evenings. We cannot currently cover any airfare costs, and thus we encourage participants to seek funding from external agencies (such as their home institutions). We will not be able to confirm details about funding availability until after the selection process has been completed.
Click here to download detailed application instructions, including the required application cover sheet.
Participants are selected by workshop directors in consultation with the Organizers, and must present a research paper related to the theme of their conference workshop, to be submitted in advance,
Applications must include: (a) a Cover Sheet, (b) a 500-word abstract of research paper to be presented at the workshop, (c) a short statement (200-300 words) explaining how the paper fits the theme of the workshop, and (d) 1-2 page C.V. (academic qualifications and employment history; list of publications).
Applications must be submitted by Friday, June 24, 2011 by e-mail ( Please indicate the name of the individual workshop you are applying to in the subject line. The four aforementioned application documents (a. – d.) should be collated in the order listed above and attached as one single file (.doc or .docx).
Selection decisions will be announced in August 2011. All selected participants must confirm their decision to participate by e-mail within 10 days of receiving the selection notification.
Selected participants agree to the following conditions:
Submission of a DRAFT research paper of 20-25 pages by February 1, 2012. Papers should be high-quality original research in line with the workshop description available on the conference’s website. Papers should correspond to the original abstract/proposal submitted by the author.
Papers should take into account any guidelines and suggestions received from workshop directors (directors’ comments due March 15, 2012.
Submission of a revised, final research paper by April 15, 2012.
Reading the pre-circulated papers of all other participants in their workshop prior to arrival in Hong Kong.
Participation at all sessions of their workshop and at all mandatory conference events.
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